-Saturday, February 23, 2008Y
I was in a jubilant mood wen i am typing this particular blog entry...the taste of victory is none other than sweet! haha....My Chestnut drive Boys won 3-1 against Clementi Town Sec yesterday! My team experienced a tremendous game, it was hard fought indeed, the discipline level was there, the concentration level was there, the determination mindset was strong and high. They stick to my tactical plan and it worked out for me! As i understand my players more as time goes by, it will be quite an easy job for me to play the best out of them! Although there were some technical mistakes like passing and supporting to be discovered, but i felt tat, the boys really deserved an round of applause for their best effort which they had put in! At least we BEAT our opponent rather than drawing equally with them. In football, its not only all about technical skill, like passing, shooting, the postitive attitude and mentality mus be there, or else it will cost u the victory too......
Mus also credit my boys for some positive feedbacks to me, this shows tat a coach of the team is not about one man training the team, managing the team, but to receieve feedbacks, then this how the whole team works!!!!!!
My chestnut drive boys in green attacking

Today conducted quite a good training session for my chestnut drive team. It was more physically demanding, i worked mostly on their weakness which i discovered during the past few matches they played. Quite alot of my boys responded that they were tired after the training, to me there was a smile in my heart because i had stretched my boys to their physical limit :)
1:10 PM,Y
Por Vicente
-Wednesday, February 20, 2008Y
My past weekend was really packed, hetic indeed, especially on sunday. Went out at 7am to coach my BKFC boys, then went to a CNY gathering organised by a social club, then went to meet my fren up for a short talk in PS, then to Jalan besar stadium for Sleague fanfare, lastly to Ang Mo kio to meet my frens. I was in a dead beat wen i reached home tat day, haha...
Monday was a packed one for me too! wah....i had to coach 2 places in a day! from 230pm to 430pm, then procceed to another place to coach from 5pm to 7pm, Thats very rush for me, but i enjoy tat! No regrets, no complain even though its really a extreme tight schedule for me!
Today my Chestnut drive c boys are having a match and they lost quite heavily. HAIZ.....i am soooooooo discouraged, sooo disappointed......My boys did well to stick to my tactics plan but due to lack of concentration ,fitness, determination, aggressiveness and also coordination and teamwork passing, they conceded goals against themselves easily, thats why we lost sooo heavily....haiz.....i will continue to work on their weakness! May God be the Lord of their weaknesses and turn them to their STRENGTH! Anyway i am disappointed with how the team is being managed by some people who are more senior than me.....haiz....If the team is ran in this way continously, they are not going to do well....!!!! anyway its not up to me to voice out anything....my job is jus only train the team, for other administration management, SADLY its not up to me to say, haiz.....they mus amend the system!!!! or else the team will still be the same...............FOr those who had comforted me: THANKS alot for ur encouragement! i am really okay now and i will always bounce back from defeat very fast in football! this is my determination! Anyway in football, its a norm to experience success and failures, so treat it as a learning process! I had my achievements and glories before in my coaching life....so i will able to handle defeats well...
Procceed to Jalan besar stadium for Young lions' game against Sengkang punggol afterwards. Hmm its the first game for both teams in the Sleague and resulted in a goaless draw.....Actually i was quite in a low mood for the whole day due to the bad game earlier on, BUT SOMETHING or SOME PEOPLE JUS LIFTED MY SPIRIT UP!!! I jus felt very happy wen i talked to the Chilean soccer players from Sengkang Punggol FC. Its not totally because they are celebrities or football star, THE MAIN REASON I WAS VERY HAPPY TALKING TO THEM IS THEY ARE SPEAKERS OF SPANISH LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! FINALLY IN SINGAPORE, I COME ACROSS PEOPLE WHO REALLY SPEAK SPANISH AND CAME FROM SPANISH SPEAKING COUNTRY!!! THEY ARE FROM SOUTH AMERICA AND A COUNTRY CALLED CHILE. IN SOUTH AMERICA, MAJORITY OF THE COUNTRIES SPEAK SPANISH AS THEIR OFFICAL LANGUAGE.....WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BRAZIL WHICH THEY SPEAK PORTUGUESE.....
3:01 PM,Y
Por Vicente
-Friday, February 15, 2008Y
MONDAY 11 FEBI had offered another new coaching opportunity!! This time was to coach the primary school players of Anglo-Chinese school. The name of the school indeed sounds prestigious enuff, plus one shocking thing was the son of our local celebrity, Adrain Pang, was in my team! haha....he looked really alike to his dad! As the team was jus set up for the very 1st time, there is no reason for me to coach the players from the most basic level, mus exercise my full patience...
Wednesday 13 FEBThe above date was e special day for pey shan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U! Feliz Cumpleanos de tu! Celebrating her birthday jus knowing her for a few days, haha...thats really fast. Hang out together with meng choo and yong siang too.... we sang birthday song and cut the cake together with pey shan in the food court of Tampinese mall. Two records were made today in my life ever. The first one was due to the playfulness of meng choo, splashing the cream of the cake onto my face!!! (as if i am the bdae spotlight :x) because no one ever dare or want to do it to me before.....haha....The second one was buying a cake for a person, haha....cos usually i would buy normal birthday gifts for my friends during their individual birthday, but pey shan was the luckiest one today, haha.....i have no any intentions towards it, but wat i could say it happen by chance...
Again we chatted for quite a long time by opening our own individual lives more to one another...WOW!!! wat to say this bunch of frens i jus known, they are fun-loving, easy-going, and again i say i could really feel the strong love of friendship there....Wana thank Him again for u people!!
Thursday 14 FEB 08Spent my valentine's day together with those work-out equipments in the gym, haha....went to build up my body muscle again today, no valentine's date except happened to come across some aerobic girls in the gym, haha...i did not feel empty anyway. To me, romance and imitation of love dosent only occur in valntine's day, it should be a "everyday" basis.
3:45 PM,Y
Por Vicente
-Tuesday, February 12, 2008Y
Frens! this is the updated post tat all of u have been longing for, haha...plus i feel quite "guilty" for not updating after a long time...Obviously, i will be sharing wat am i up to, especially on CNY! haha..here it goes...
Again i say, i had to work on the first, second and third day of CNY, but i did not have any grumble towards it! cos i love my soccer coaching job alot! it was really a tiring but a fun time working with those young players! To me, i would always learnt new things or encounter new experience after every coaching session tat i had conducted...
Anyway my working hour on those 3 days of CNY are from 2pm-6pm, so there were spaces of time for me to do my visitation at night! Went to my auntie's house during CNY first day, my blood brother, hock lun's house on the second night, went to my third aunt and my fren house on the third night. Haiz.....sadly to say, i lost 20 bucks on the mahjong game during the third night. To me, i always prefer to play those games healthliy rather than getting some money involve!!! but due to the friendly compromise towards my frens there, i had no way out :( i jus simply hate that gambling and rowdy atmosphere but not my fren personally...haha....
SUNDAY WAS A VERY FUFILLING DAY FOR ME!!! Went to meet my fren, meng choo, for the very first time as she was inviting me to her church service. Her fren, pey shan, was there too, another new fren was added into my social list, haha... It was totally a fresh experience for me to go to a new church, but overall to me, i can go any types of church as long as it practice the correct worship and preach correct doctorine of Christianity. A powerful word was delivered, strong presence of God was experienced during the praise and worship, plus there were people dancing for God during praise and worship, yea in the book of psalms says, we should dance with joy when we are praising God! KNew quite alot of new friends there! u should know who u are, haha....anyway i could really feel the friendliness from this bunch of wonderful people! meng choo u are one of them...haha...dun feel insecure if u really did :P
Went to Minghao's place after parting "temporary" from meng choo and the gang. Really enjoy myself there, interact with those fellow mates from Young Lions happily, the whole house was filled with laughter most of the time especially during the bingo game, really a fun-loving session for all of us! Thanks Minghao for all those saliva-licking food! haha....not forget to thank Siew Ping for organising it! u did a fantastic job indeed!
Opps....i was late for resuming my time of fellowship back with meng choo and pey shan, haha....first time meeting yong siang too after chatting with him on msn for a period of time, haha....proceeded to a coffeeshop for dinner, thank God tat the coffeeshop was serving nice food and the place was quiet for us to chill in. It was not jus a time for chatting to all of us there, but a sharing session as well. I felt so loved tat everyone of us at least share something in our own lives with one another, this showed tat we were comfortable with one another, we were willing to know one another more, and also developed a deeper level in our friendship. I felt the strong vibe of warmth from u people!!! Hmm anyway i wana thank God for starting this new year for me by knowing great frens like u people! Meng Choo, pey shan and yong siang! i felt so blessed!!! Hope tat we can know one another more better and promote the level of our frenship yea!
2:31 AM,Y
Por Vicente
-Monday, February 4, 2008Y
finally i am here again, haha....wat i can say, last week and this week itself are very fruitful for me because of my fun and occupied schedule. Yes its quite tiring but i enjoyed every moment of it. One very special thing for me this coming CNY is
I HAVE TO WORK ON THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD DAY OF CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! i do not have any complaint towards tat becos i feel its very special for me to work on CNY first day itself, plus i really enjoy my soccer coaching job! so this will be the very first time in my life to work ON CNY!!! really special!!! haha...anyway i will be working only from 2pm to 6pm, so it will not pose any problem for me. I will be visiting my relatives after my work by e way, so again i say NO COMPLAINT unless i am doing any things which make me feel sucky....haha..
My life as usual for last week, coaching on monday and tuesday. ANyway i am coaching one more team now, which is the school team of chestnut drive secondary. Hmm....not much pressure for me, no matter wat team i am going to coach now!!! I am trying my best to improve the skills of the players there...Wednesday and thursday and friday i am waking up late due to the tiredness i gained for the last 2 days, sleeping only for 5 hours.....as usual playing and praticing my music really hard......
Went to meet jasmine again during last friday. For my own confusion, i just dun understand why am i always get involve with network marketing for the past weeks? anyway no offence i jus not really wana involve in the industry itself...
Went to the H-TWO-O and sleague hip hop contest last saturday at PS. The barberque for the YOUNG LIONS FC @ costa sand was my next destination. It was very fun, everyone jus enjoyed themselves, and so did the players :)
Sunday as usual, went to coach my BKFC u9 team, then to my music class....Hmm...first time having lunch with my teacher after being taught by him for 2 years. Lao shi, thanks for ur treat!! u are really a nice person with a genuine personality!!!!
Alot of chinese are planning and going for overseas trip during the festival of CNY itself. I jus dun understand why are they defeating the purpose of the most traditional festival of their own race? I heard alot of negative comments on alot of chinese going overseas during CNY from alot from other races.....I mean, CNY is the most important and traditional festival for all the chinese and a good time to gather together with relatives etc......please dun spoil the original purpose of the festival! please maintain it as wat it should be!!!!
10:09 PM,Y
Por Vicente