-Monday, July 28, 2008Y
The brazil samba air filled e whole of my today! Why? This mark a memorable game for Singapore football as The Singapore team played Brazil team today! Down the history, this is the 1st time Singapore is playing the best football team of the whole world!
Headed down to the national stadium after conducting my football training. I was really anticipating to get up close and watch those world best BRAZIL footballers in action! This was a very good exposure to me and a very good opportunity for me to learn from those World Best players. Thank God for that :D
Sadly to say Singapore lost 3-0 to Brazil in the end, BUT......applause to Singapore! They play well today, attacked the Brazilians with full bravery, but lack of finishing skills hindered them to score any goals. I felt that this result could shut quite a number of critics given by those negative singaporeans, saying Singapore will be trashed 20-0, 100-0, it was sarcastic enuff to hear that.......
The BRAZIL SQUAD : Diego, Renan, RAFINHA, BRENO, Thiago Silva, MARCELO, llSINHO, Alex SIlva, LUCAS LEIVA, DIEGO RIBAS, ANDERSON, RONALDINHO!, Thiago Neves, Hernanes, Ramires, ALESSANDRO PATO, JO, RAFAEL SOBIS. (in caps are those Brazil established star players)
Thank God for the good seats, good position to get close to those magical Brazilian players! below are the pics.....
Brazil players in their warm up! Ronaldinho and the gang!
Some of the Brazilian players i captured
Brazilians Players marching out! Manage to Capture some of them!

The most Precious pics of all! My favourite player RONALDINHO taking the corner kick!!! :DDDD
So that were all the pics..................
All e while beside SPAIN and my native SINGAPORE, there are only 2 other teams which really win my lifetime admiration of their beauty towards soccer, that was BRAZIL and Argentina.
Why? One simple reason, they play BEAUTIFUL and CREATIVE FOOTBALL!
Another important factor that causes me to love Brazil team so much was the spiritual attitude, which they have towards God, in their CHRISTIANITY religion. Frankly speaking, The majority of the population in Brazil are Christians, 99% of them! All of them are fervent and devoted Christians! not jus who name themselves Christian but not a total believer....You can find out how on fire they are towards God by refering to those informations below........

This is KAKA, my ALL TIME UNDISPUTED favourite player. He is a brazilian player who won the current 2007 WORLD BEST PLAYER OF THE YEAR, look at how he is devoted to God :DDD
Praise God!!!
11:34 PM,Y
Por Vicente
-Saturday, July 12, 2008Y
These recent days are not a kind of easy ride for me emotionally. I repeat it again, the emotional feeling of pain was excruciating.
The feeling of being unappreciated by people around me, despite of expressing my genuine attitude of friendliness and encouragement as a real friend.......One can say that true love is being expressed WITHOUT asking anything back, BUT BUT BUT....It was really HURTING indeed, when people did not show any effort to bother about e true goodness u had shown to them.
Yes the person did know exactly how i feel, BUT TO MY SURPRISE, HE OR SHE did not even care to show a single move of response at all, simply to say he or she did not even bother about how hurt i am.....I WAS NOT BEING SELFISH HERE........
(by e way, i am not the one who is in meng choo most recent blog entry, nothing to do with it, haha.....)
People venting the anger and scolding me extremely unreasonably.........................
Negative Doubts developing on certain people around me, it seems to be true but i cant conclude it now.
My mum was being set up and wrongly accused by her evil colleagues for some legal offences committed in her workplace.
YES......all these people really go much beyond my nerves..........
I was being offended strongly now, its like a king cobra rising its upper body hood and get ready to strike with its deadly venom.
Yes, the THOUGHTS of tendancy on getting all my pay-backs in those evil ways are strong, BUT.......................................................................
*****THANK GOD, HIS COMFORT birth forth beneath me.....Somehow, i jus have the ability to make a point and tell God that i decided to leave everything up to Him.
My heart is weeping when the moment i confess willingly to Him in terms of forgiving all those who have cause the emotional pain on me....................friends u should try this, u will feel total relief when every anger, every bitterness are being released to God..........................
God is fair, i did remembered all the justice He fought for me thru out my life......................
Retribution and revenge is not up to me, "nothing is hidden from His eye" says the Lord.
I will leave everything up to God....as He is the only one who can fight the justice for me......
"Do not take revenge my friend....It is all up to God to take revenge and He will repay" (Romans 12:19)
"The curse of God is in the house of the unright, the wicked, but He blesses the home of the upright, the righteous one" - Proverbs 3:33
How fair and loving is my Daddy, He controls everything ultimately in His hands............
But in me, forgiveness is still the main key, amen..............................
11:38 PM,Y
Por Vicente
-Sunday, July 6, 2008Y
Came across these tagged questions from one of my fren's blog.
1. What is my full name?
- Vincent Choo
- Vicente Arbol Reyes (this Spanish name of mine is real and official cos its tracked very carefully thru my family's surnames, and eventually comes out with it. Wana know more about it? come and ask me personally, haha...)
2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you e tour tickets to your desire
- Israel! the place where the presence of God is the strongest in the whole world!
- SPAIN!!! This place cant be omitted from me in my life til i die!!! Forever in my heart!
-The countries all over Europe. Not becos being influenced by their soccer culture, its becos of the strong artistic cultural atmosphere over there. Paris, Andorra, Vienna so and so for..............
3. Is there anything in your mind now?
- In a relaxing mood while listening to a Spanish flamenco music
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
- Beside my main dreams and visions for my future, this dream is not being left out permanently. That is to see any wills of God for this world to be fufiled
5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
- Hmm totally not, but i can really teach u how to spend less than $250 in ur daily expenses for a month!
6. Do you encourage girls to admit their love to the guys ?
- Of cos, but encourage gguys to admit too. Its all depends on the situation of either one of the party feels comfortable enough to confess it or not.
7. What am i actually doing 10 years ago......?
- A nerdy and innocent looking boy who was pursuing his secondary 1 education, went to his orchestra band practice regularly, learning "fighting" weekly, developed a temporary and sudden fond for basketball out of nowhere.....hahaha P
8. List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you.
- Strong in God, gentle, loving9. What makes you happy?
- Any positive type of satisfaction which i gained to stimulate my happiness in life.Eg, helping people in any ways.........10. What is the one thing u feel u have to do now?
- Finish this question, surf around the net for a short while and hit the bed, haha...
11. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
- Fufiling my all music visions, a football coach standing in a gigantic stadium leading a top football Club.....12. If you do not have a boyfriend/girlfriend, do you feel like having one now?
- OF COS!!! But everything is still in God's timing.......
13.Who are e most important people in your life?
- My family, all My close frens(u should know who u are), especially those very close and wonderful christian spiritual frens of mine. All my "mei mei" and "big sisters", not forgetting all who knows me!!14. What do you think is the most important thing/people in your life?
-GOD!!! GOD!!! GOD!!15. If you have a chance to change your life, what would you want to change?
- Yes, i wana born in a Spanish family, hahaha :P16. If you are given a chance to re-live your life, would you live it the way you are living now?
- Hmm currently i am contented with my life now!17. Are you courageous to tell a person that you like him/her now?
- YES! but but but......she mus show some hints that she is comfortable with me, or wana start a relationship with me. I dun want to suffer any unexpected disappointment!!!18. Would you rather follow your heart or mind when deciding for the right one?
- Hmm.....not only that, the future is taken into considerations too.
19. What will you consider about your lifetime partner??
- A Christian, She mus be LOVING, COMMITTED, LOYAL and CARING. She must somehow be mature and sensible in her personality and thinking! no childish "xiao mei mei" is allow..Possess some Spanish mix blood in her will be a BIG BIG PLUS!
20. Age for u to get married?
- Hmm....big big question, ideal timing for me is early 30s or late late 20s.........
The arrow of doing this tagged question shoots to all who visit my page and owns a blog :P
11:06 PM,Y
Por Vicente