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----Este es el NiñoY

Vicente Arbol Reyes
24 años
Soy Futbol Entranador y musico
Always a chinese in my blood and a Spanish in my heart



Balestier Khalsa FC
Siew Ping.
Siew Wee.
Hermanita Glenda.
Fang Wen.
Jin Ming.
Hermanita Meng Choo.
Kak Yana.
xiu wen.
Hermanita Xiao tong.
Yun xi.



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-Sunday, April 19, 2009Y

jus wana keep this blog going and dun wana isolate it, so jus simply scribble something here.

overall i am fine, but jus feel tat i am much more independent than in the past, for example i always love to be alone, but this dun mean tat i am anti-social or an introvert, jus simply love to be myself...but if u wana ask me out, i will be happy to join u!

ok jus stop, will write something more soon...............

*siempre esperando verte en el lugar que nos quedamos por casualidad para la primera vez*

7:19 AM,Y
Por Vicente

-Monday, January 12, 2009Y

Things were going on really badly for me during these recent weeks, especially in the area of my soccer and coaching career, one particular situation happened was much more terrible tat i had ever faced in my life. Haiz i was sooo down, i cant even pick myself up and was on the verge of breaking down totally.........I had no one to turn to as nobody could really understand how terrible i was suffering.......and no one understand my point of view and how i think.

The only solution is for me is God, ONLY GOD CAN FULLY UNDERSTAND ME INSIDE OUT!!!....I knelt down and cry out to Him....pouring out all my frustrations and problems to Him.I asked sincerely for His help and delieverance.............

God is good all the time....Every seconds TODAY was totally different from the past couple of days!!! my coaching session went well today and after the session, out of nowhere and beyond my expectation, i just felt the peace and happiness, and also felt much more worthy of myself! I could say that today i am totally different from who i was in the last couple of days! I was like being picked up by some "supernatural force"!

Its all about You, My Daddy God...Thanks alot to those who prayed for me...u should know who u are!!

Muchas Gracias a Ti, Dios para Tu ayuda en mi vida hace poco!!! Te Alabo!!! Te Alabar!!!!! Te alabar!!!!!!!! Te ALABAR!!!

To all my frens, here is an Spanish/Eng Christian song which i happened to discover last few weeks, it is sung by my 2 favourite Spanish singers, Its really nice and touching!! The love of the song can fully penetrate your soul!!

Its the background song of my blog....

Title : Imaginame Sin Ti (Imagine me without You)
Sung by : Luis Fonsi y Jaci Valesquez

11:38 PM,Y
Por Vicente

-Wednesday, January 7, 2009Y


Started the first few days of the new year with a wonderful trip to Penang, Malaysia! Stayed there for 3 nights, its was not just only a casual holiday trip for me but was also integrated with social functions. The schedule of the trip was hectic and tight but was also really fun and fufilling as well! Meeting lots of new people at those dinner functions, touring those unique attractions and learning about the daily lives lead by the local people there. It was really an extreme eye-opening experience for me!

I will post those pictures of my trip soon in facebook soon!

The desire to be a spanish vocalist and musician is burning much more stronger in me!!! This is my main focus now!!! I wana compose, sing songs which are purely spanish! Yes, i should have deal with chinese songs.....yes.......BUT only spanish songs can provide the personal contentment of me to the most extreme! Anyway Corrine May is a Chinese but yet she is singing english songs most of the time, its up a person's own genre and preference.
Now its the time to wait for the emerging of the upcoming Spanish language vocalist: Vicente Arbol Reyes...!!!

11:16 PM,Y
Por Vicente

-Friday, December 26, 2008Y

Xmas was over(so did my bdae) and the year of 2008 too....I will do my year end review at the next blog entry, obviously i had grown older by a year.

Sadly to say, my christmas season started with a sad occasion and a moment which required mourning, my best fren HL's dad passed away.....I received the news from my best fren very early in the morning...I was really sad to hear that, by e way i prayed everyday for his dad, but everything is in vain now...haiz...no point blaming God...I could really sense the feeling deep down inside the mental emotion of my fren, he is the closest son to his dad and lived with him for soo many years, then seeing him struggling with cancer in the hospital for nearly half a year and defeated under the hand of the evil deadly sickness, haiz...it really torments my heart when i felt the pain suffered by my fren....In the other hand, i know every single members personally in HL's family and i am quite close to them too. His dad then was a very very friendly and easy-going, whenever i went to HL's house, i could remember those warmth moments that i chatted with his dad and listening to his personal experiences which he shared with me in his life.

Certainly, I visited the funeral wake of HL's dad for the past few days til the day when the cremation of the body took place. I make my point to be there for HL..He is my best buddy after all, we share the same interests, same passion and same topic in lives, and we surely enjoyed each other presence whenever we meet. By e way he was the very 1st one to know the news of me getting attached....soo u can judge the level of friendship between me and him.

OK, so i spent the day of Christmas and my birthday with my family, frens and of cos my very own love one...Cut the cake with my family on the actual day of my bdae and on the dot of 12am. Then proceeded to Church upon the invitation by Xiao tong, great svc and really wana thank Xiao tong's cell group for celebrating my bdae! Even though i do not really intend to intergrate fully into their cg, but they are still so loving by celebrating my bdae! Thank God for knowing them!!! Then me and my love one proceeded to kim guo house for christmas gathering, what else could we do at his house beside playing mahjong? haha...Then 2 of us again went town to have our dinner before catching a movie. We risk ourselves for missing the last train, but Thank God TAT we catched the last train on time.

Mi carino, really wana thank u for spending the time with me for the whole day of 25th, ur present and calling me @ 12am jus to sing bdae song for me!!! Love ya....

Besides that, i really want to sincerely thank all of you for the bdae wishes, the cards and presents!! Thanks alot for all the wishes on my wall of facebook, friendster as well....Muchas Gracias!!

Yes of cos, after receiving and looking upon all these wishes, it really reflects how true and genuine of a particular fren in terms of how he or she regards the friendship together with me.

To be straigh-forward, i did felt very very disappointed and angry with a few of my good frens forgetting my bdae....By e way I am NOT being proud or an attention seeker or someone who is calculative and has a very narrow inner capacity !!! The main reason behind is because i really cherish every single relationship with the people around me! I always tell myself not to reject and give as much attention to anyone who is around me becuase i understand how it feels when one is being rejected by the people around him or her!!! I love to be sincere and i really detests those who are unreal and not genuine at all!!!

Anyway i really forgive all those people who let me down....there's no point for me to keep clinging on those disappointment in my life, happiness is my key overall!!!

11:19 PM,Y
Por Vicente

-Monday, December 22, 2008Y

My last weekend were full of colours, 20 and 21 dec. Seeing my U8 players enjoying themselves, and played their hearts out, became the CHAMPION of the Coerver 5 v 5 competition U8 PLate Catergory was a greeat satisfication to me. A thumbs up for Coerver Academy for organising this tournament successfully for the boys to take part in!

To me, winning the Champion and the resuts are not the first priority.As a real coach, the main focus was the overall football development of all my players. I bet it was a very good exposure for my boys to pit against opponent from overseas such as Japan, Phillipine and Hong kong, surely it was a precious experienced gained for the boys too!

My boys played a total of 10 games thru out the 2 days! Wow....thats wonderful for them! Below are the pictures of those fantastic moments of football played by my boys!

WELL DONE BOYS!!! MUY BIEN!!!!!!!!I can say the moment i had with my boys for the last 2 days is a great Birthday present for me!!!

My Football passion academy U8 boys
Start from front left to behind: Tom Grimmett, Harry Mogg, Nico De Matteis
Ethan Pizano, Per Magnus Wittoski, Naveen

Another team pic, addtional player, Saul,most back left

Per is always sooo adorable, hahaha...

My boys restin comfortably before kick off, haha..

E boys in action!

Briefing my boys after all the matches ended in Day 1

The boys in match day 2 vs Japan Coerver Football Academy, the opponent were all pure japanese :D

Kicking off the FINAL!!

My boys in action during the FINAL


MY Champion team!!

Me and my boys shot a pose of Victory!
"Captain Harry" proudly lift the trophy! haha...

The parents and their little superstars! Thank u parents for playing a vital role for the football lives of all the boys! Muchas gracias siempre!

11:52 PM,Y
Por Vicente


My last weekend were full of colours, 20 and 21 dec. Seeing my U8 players enjoying themselves, and played their hearts out, became the CHAMPION of the Coerver 5 v 5 competition U8 PLate Catergory was a feel of greeat satisfication to me.

To me, winning the Champion and the resuts are not the first priority.As a real coach, the main focus was the overall football development of all my players. I bet it was a very good exposure for my boys to pit against opponent from overseas such as Japan, Phillipine and Hong kong, surely it was a precious experienced gained for the boys too!

My boys played a total of 10 games thru out the 2 days! Wow....thats wonderful for them! Below are the pictures of those fantastic moments of football played by my boys!


I can say the moment i had with my boys for the last 2 days is a great Birthday present for me!!!

11:09 PM,Y
Por Vicente

-Thursday, December 18, 2008Y

Throughout these months, out of my expectation, you really play a big part and also become a major role in my life.........and it blossom to the sweetest aroma of beautiful moments now!

Mi carino, compartemos el mismo amor juntos...Te amo muchos! Eres siempre en mi cabeza y en mi corazon.......

Anyway Christmas is jus only one week away! and also very importantly is my birthday! When i looked back to the start of this year til now, TIME DO FLIES!!!!!....i will be getting older by next thursday....haiz....turning 24........so sad....................................how i wish i could stay forever at 23, not tooo young and not too old, the perfect age for an ideal "youngster" heheheheh........

Feliz Navidad a todos mis amigos con antelacion!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:14 PM,Y
Por Vicente